Monday 17 October 2016

A Name Change Checklist You Need to Consider Post Wedding

If you are recently married or divorced, updating your new name on Facebook and other social media sites won’t be enough. There is a huge list of other places where you need to legally change your name. Making a name change checklist of all those places will help you finish the entire name change process in much organized and precise manner.

You can always take a look at the checklist and ensure you aren’t missing out any authority or place where you need to update your last name. In short, a basic checklist will help you keep trace on whom you have notified and whom you haven’t notified about your new name yet.

To help you get started with the legal name change process, here we have shared a complete name change checklist to follow. 

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Things You Need to Know Before You Legally Change Your Name After Marriage

There is no lawsuit in USA judiciary system that makes it compulsory for women or men to change their name after marriage. So, if you have walked the big aisle recently, it’s not mandatory to legally change your name after marriage. You can continue with your maiden name.

Yet, it is more like a tradition that women change their last name and accept their spouse’s last name after tying knot with the man. Over last years, there is also a growing community of couples where men adapt their wife’s last name as their surname or maiden name. If it is a same sex marriage, one of them choose to change his or her last name post wedding so as to have a common family name and make identity of their coming children clear.

It’s not really a tedious and complex process to legally change your name after marriage. You just need to have ability to be patient, spend a really good amount of time behind the task and have knowledge of the right steps in right sequence. Many newlyweds find it mind-numbing to work through lots of paperwork to get their name change done officially.
