Friday 22 February 2019

What you need to know before Legal Name Change

There are many reasons for a legal name change including marriage, divorce, dislike for your name, and sex change among others. Whatever the reasons behind your name change, it is important to understand the process to enjoy a hassle-free experience. When you have all the information about this legal process, you will find it easier to complete it. This article highlights the most important things you should know about legal name changes. Keep reading.

1. Name Change is a Process Not a One-Off Thing

If you plan to legally change your name, it important to appreciate that this process takes some time. Like wit all government applications, you have to download forms, complete them and mail them to relevant authorities.  You have to apply for new documents and send notifications to relevant institutions.

2. You Can Change Your Name to Anything With a Few Exceptions 

The beauty about a name change is that you can pick any name you like and make it your legal name. However, there are exceptions to this right which include:

i. You cannot change a name to deliberately confuse. For instance, use of numerals or punctuation as part of your name.
ii. A name change cannot be for reasons of committing a crime or evading justice.
iii. You cannot change your name to escape debt liability or hide from criminal liability.
iv. A name which is offensive, intimidating or which comes off as a racial slur isn’t acceptable
v. You cannot change a name with intention to mislead including choosing a name of a celebrity or a public figure.

3. Marriage and Divorce are the Best Times For a Name Change

If you plan to get married, you have the best opportunity to legally change your name. This applies to both spouses. When applying for a marriage license, you will fill out the name you intend to start using after marriage and this is the perfect opportunity to change your name.  When filing for divorce, you can also include a name change request in your case.

Whether you want to drop your maiden name, change the first, middle or last name, hyphenate your name or make any other changes, this is the best chance to do so. The name you use on the marriage license will reflect on your marriage certificate. This is the legal document you will then use to apply or a new social security card, driver’s license and other identification papers.

Likewise, your name change order after a divorce gives you the opportunity to pick any name you wish. When filing for divorce, make sure you include the preferred name and this will reflect in the name change order the judge will give.

4. You Don’t Need a Lawyer

The best thing about this legal process is that you don’t have to hire a lawyer. Legal fees would increase the cost of a name change but luckily, this is a process which only requires you to download and complete relevant forms.

5. You Need to Apply For New Documents 

Your name change is not complete if you haven’t applied for new identification documents including a driver’s license, social security card and passport. These documents are essential and now that you have a marriage certificate or name change order from the courts, you have to update official records for ease of identification.

6. You Have to Send Name Change Notifications 

After receiving a name change order or your marriage certificate, you have to notify everyone who still knows you by the old name.  This includes institutions such as your bank, Mortgage Company, debtors and creditors, law firm, employer, Internal Revenue Service. (IRS), post office, magazine subscriptions, alumni associations, insurance companies, your landlord, voter registration office, doctors' offices and utility companies among others.

7. An Online Name Change Service is  hassle-free Option 

If you don’t want to hop from one office to the other for a name change, you can use a name change service. These professionals avail all the documents you need in one place and depending on the name change package you choose, they help you complete the forms and mail these to respective recipients.

Research on your States Laws

Every state has its laws and they vary from state to state making it important for you to research before you embark on a journey to change your name. In some states you have to go through the courts while others only require consistency in using the name and that you are good to go.  However, if you want to change your name on the SSA, banks or the DMV, you must provide proof of name change to prevent name theft. The best place to check for relevant laws is the government website and from there, you can follow the protocol required in your state.

With this information, you can now go through with a legal name change without much hassle. You will find the experience intimidating and stressing and if you use an online name change service, you will make things even easier for yourself. 

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